i seek to show the world through my own frames.

Monday, May 30, 2011

til death do they part

Subject: Jeffrey-Mannycris Quevedo
Location: Our Lady of Manaoag Church, Manaoag Pangasinan
Date: May 14, 2011

the wedding photographer

Subject: Mr. and Mrs. Quevedo
Location: Star Plaza Hotel Dagupan, Pangasinan
Date: May 14, 2011

Golden Gates

Location: Vigan, Ilocos
Date: sometime 2007
from: Gopiks.multiply.com(old site)

at the carwash

Location: forgot
Date: sometime 2008
From: gopiks.multiply.com (my old site)

the flower that grew on shit (like literally)

Subject: Cow shit
Location: Pagudpod Ilocos Norte
Date: sometime 2008
from: gopek.multiply.com(old personal site)

Jeffrey-Mannycris Quevedo Prenuptial shoot

Subject: Mr. Jeffrey Quevedo and Family
Location: Bolinao
Date: May 7, 2011
Post Processing Artist: Brigitte Reano